Monday, February 17, 2014

Real Life, Take #2

Married, Housewife, Two Kids

A real life dose for your Monday! What's your real look like!?! 

Head on over to our facebook page at to get the latest real life posts! And of course, give us a like and share with your friends! 

Interested in sharing your real with us? Shoot me a message at or comment and we will make room for you! 

What About Me

I’ve had varying responses to this blog and while I know its going to be awesome (cuz how could it not be?!?!), I wanted to clarify a bit…I don’t think we all live like slobs, but I also don’t think we all live in magazine perfect houses…there are definitely both extremes, and seeing one house in all its forms for an entire year would likely show that most houses hit all extremes. I’m sure we will see all sorts of messy on the blog, but we will probably see plenty of clean. Ultimately, I think that there are much bigger “issues” tied to our homes.

For some reason, homes have become this thing that has to be perfect, and perfectly maintained, or we are paralyzed to invite others in…by allowing this to be an insecurity, we are shutting ourselves out of the awesome community that comes from letting people “all in” to our world.

If you are too worried about the crumbs on your counter and dishes in your sink, then you might miss out on the chance to invite your neighbor in for coffee, or your friend over for some much needed girl time. I believe wholeheartedly that God created us to be relational people, and it’s terrible losing out on that because of our own insecurities and fears.

My goal with this blog is to lightheartedly share fun pics of our beautifully crazy houses in their times of good, bad and ugly; but I’ve been pondering why this is such an issue for many of us. What causes us to panic at the thought of letting people “in”?! And folks, it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with us.

I received a compliment a few weeks ago and at the time thought it was sweet, but didn’t think about it again. Then today a friend mentioned the comment in passing, and I realized I had overlooked a gem gifted to me that day. Someone had offered me kind words and insight into his view of me, but I didn’t let it sink in. It hit me like a load of bricks, that in that moment I had stopped loving myself.

I’m sharing this with you because, while it isn’t about messy (or not) houses, it really is. Every thought and perception that I have impacts my view of the world. If I’m so critical of myself that every thought going through my head is about where I’m failing and what I can’t do, I never allow myself to experience the gift of others. Because those critical thoughts about me, turn into fears and misconceptions about the world around me, and what they must think of me. If I’m upset with myself for the dirty floors, sticky counters and sink full of dishes…then I assume the rest of the world is judging me for those messes.

Our thoughts and hearts are totally “what you put in, is what you get out”. Are you putting in love and offering grace for all the “messiness” that comes with living; embracing the awesome person God created you to be!? Because you are awesome! All of those little quirks and intricacies that make you you, the wonderful little things that separate you from every other person around you…its all awesome! If God says that we are a perfect creation, then how can we not love it!? That means love you! Life is messy though, and that wears on us. I’ve always been a pretty laid back person…but after the many stresses and setbacks of life, that laid back person became a tightly wound mess of crazy. All of that free spiritedness was replaced with disdain for me, the person I have to live the rest of my life with! All of my failures big and small took place of genuineness and grace in my life…and I was sure that every person I came across was judging me. It’s time to let all that go!

So as we embark on this blog journey, full of fun pictures and all sorts of real in one place, lets also take a look inward and make sure that we did not become our own worst critic. Lets not look at these pictures as a marker of how good or bad we are doing…is my house clean enough, pretty enough, perfect enough…but instead use it as a reality check that we all have messes (literally and figuratively) and life is too short to be a wind up toy.

I will probably spend the rest of my life learning to let go and love me, but I will gladly work on that if it means that my life is full of authentic and meaningful relationships. The kind that make your heart soar and make life worth living! So lets all run to the mirror, look at that beautiful person looking back at us, and do everything in our power to love on that person!! And the next time someone compliments you, proudly claim it for the gift that it is!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Real Life, Take #1

Married, Housewife, Three Kids.

So there you have it, our first Real Life Take! 

We've had a great response of households joining us for this blog project, but we can make room for more. So if you want to join in the fun, comment and let me know. And please share with your friends...lets get real!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Bit More Of My Real

I’ve heard from a few of you that your houses are too messy to showcase on the blog…these pictures are for you! :) I walked into my daughter’s room yesterday and was just so fed up with the mess! She’s 5 and can’t seem to find the hamper, the toy bin, the closet or anything in between…everything gets dumped right where she is when she’s done with it, and it is so frustrating. So being the awesome mom that I am, I told her I was cleaning out half of her clothes and toys…great idea in theory, but here’s the mess this process created. Her entire closet on my bed and bedroom floor, which my youngest spent the whole day undoing. All of the laundry baskets sorted with specific purposes are now a big heap on the floor because they were needed elsewhere (my son’s Pirate Ship!)...isn’t it fun!? 

So there you have it, a bit more of my real!! Check back next week for our first installment of “Glamour Shots”…and be sure to share the fun with your friends! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's Almost Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day! It's the holiday of love...and I love that it always feels so warm and fuzzy! Not that any of you lovely folks need my help making the day special, but I thought I would share a few of my favorite Valentine traditions, ideas and gifts...ready to share the love!?!?

The Heart Attack
I love this idea found at I usually buy heart sticky notes and leave a note here or there, but the full blown heart attack is awesome! (And buy the heart sticky notes for the lazy gals version! :))

The Mr. and Mrs. Journal
My awesome Hubby will be getting one of these this Vday...ssshhh, its a secret! I love that its such a great way to communicate with him in the midst of life's craziness. And I will be buying journals for each of my kids to write special notes to them...what a neat way to build them up, encourage them and show them how special they are.

Chocolate Messages
I love these Chocolate Messages found on Etsy! How cool! And you can personalize to say whatever you fun and unique!

Chocolate Gun
And while we are talking husband really likes guns, so these chocolate guns and ammo are perfect for him!

Heart Mold
My husband gifted this heart mold to me a few years ago, and every Vday and Mothers Day he and the kids make me heart shaped this tradition and that awesome man!

So there you have it...a few of my favorite ways to make this Valentine's Day full of love and warm fuzzies!! :)

I have a dream...

That we can break down these walls of perfect and be vulnerable....finding the freedom to be "me", full of my imperfections and humanness. The me that has all sorts of awesome strengths, and just as many flaws. When did society buy into the lies that we can be superwoman and perfect at everything!?! Who wants to be friends with that person!?! I would much rather spend my time with people who can admit they are human, admit that they can't do it all, and claim that confidently. I want a friend who is vulnerable and real and full of grace. Let's stop competing and trying to find our worth by outdoing one another...I don't want to hang with the mean girls. Let's be real, inviting each other into our messes and not worrying about it...because we want to hang with the big girls who have it all together, who know that real beats fake every single time. And by all together, I mean that they live confidently with their flaws and don't apologize for being human. I'm human! I am a miserable housekeeper but I can cook up a feast, I rarely get the clean laundry off of the floor but I can style you like nobody's business, I'm terrible at remembering to respond to that email but I will drop anything to be there for you, I never remember the thank you or birthday cards but I'm always thinking of my friends...and those friends love me for all of that! The good and the bad!!

I have three kids, and after the first two, thought I had this parenting thing figured out...then my third came. He's all sorts of awesome, but nothing that worked with the first two works with him. I've spent the past year and a half wondering what I was doing wrong. He did things in public I swore my kids would never do, he's not social and doesn't care what is considered acceptable behavior, (he's two, so that's not surprising!) and I could honestly fill a whole blog with crazy parenting stories....but the thing that threw me with this kid was the judgement I experienced while out in public. I never dreamed another mom could treat me with such disdain. I mean, does she not have real kids?! You can't tell me her kids never threw a temper tantrum in public, or hit someone when they were mad, or screamed at the top of their lungs when they didn't get their way, or refused to sit in the shopping cart, or spilled their snack!! Where was the grace and the team mom mentality!? This is what I'm getting kid shouldn't have acted that way, but he's a kid and I'm working on parenting him the best I can. My parenting isn't perfect and he isn't perfect, but who are they to judge?! I'm guessing that those glass houses would shatter if they looked inward, but they don't, so they judge and pretend to be some form of superwoman. Its time to let go of these perfect-got-it-all together images and embrace the real us. The person that doesn't have it all together but is doing the best she can, the woman whom God chose and loves regardless of those flaws and imperfections. Lets grab hold of that God given grace and share it with those around us! I have been just as guilty of judging and pretending to be all that, but I'm not and I'm tired of the game. I just want to live a messy, imperfect life with people willing to do the same.

So, join us on this messy (or not so) journey and lets tear down some walls! Lets embrace the ME God wants for us and let go of the guilt and are chosen and loved!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Let's be real...

In this day and age of Pinterest perfect Martha Stewart's on every corner, it's time to get real. Life is busy and messy and rarely perfect. I vacuum and clean and minutes later there are crumbs again, I finally wash that last piece of dirty clothing only to see the hamper full is to be lived, and living is messy. It always makes me chuckle that we clean and straighten and clean and straighten, only to do it again tomorrow...the actual definition of insanity! But that's life! And I'm hoping this blog will help to liberate us from those perfect images of everyone else's house. Folks, most of us only see the inside of each other's homes when there has been plenty of notice to make it look picture perfect (or at least an "acceptable" form of messy). So let's get real and vulnerable!

I'm looking for households willing to invite me "in" a few times a year to take photos of your real life. It will be a random and unannounced to see what real in your home is on that day. It might be perfect, or it might look like a hurricane hit, or maybe it's somewhere in between...but it will be real. And real is what we need. To let go of the guilt and the pointless stress to achieve the perfect in your head, because maybe that perfect is based on false pretenses or information that is flawed. I work and work and work on my house and get so excited when it stays really put together for weeks...but when do you think the unannounced visitor comes?! The day that the hurricane hits! I'm hoping the hurricane rarely hits your home...but let's have fun with this and see what happens!

If you aren't local to Des Moines, we can still do this together, but I ask that you be real. On your day, you proudly snap those photos even if chaos reigns supreme that straightening or working to make it just so, be real. You will remain anonymous and how often I post "glamour shots" will depend entirely on the response of those willing to participate. And please know ALL are welcome to join the fun! Those with families big or small, empty nesters, single name it, we would love to have you join the party! So whose ready to get real with me!?!

Let's Summarize...
I need you to volunteer your house for a random, unannounced pictures a few times this year. Anonymous you will be, and instead of me showing up on your doorstep unannounced, you will snap the photos on that designated day. In town, out of town, families, singles, all are welcome. Then we will have an awesome blog full of real life homes...lived in and real. 

Comment or shoot me a message to join in the fun!