Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Lord Help Me, It's Summer Break

One week into summer and I have a couple realizations...
1. My house won't be clean for another three months. And somehow everything is suddenly sticky, everything.
2. I need more wine, LOTS more wine.
3. Food is like vapor, there is never enough. The same for clean dishes.
4. Kids are crazy. 
5. It's only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured. (See #3)
6. Little people never sleep.
7. I forgot how much I love and hate the word mommy...hearing it 1 million times a day causes so much hate. But then there's the confusing.
8. Your best effort is futile, the little people will take that and destroy it. Just focus on survival. (See #3)
9. Glitter. And art projects. And a million pieces of teeny tiny scrap paper. And stickers everywhere. And glue stuck to tables. And play doh smashed into the carpet. (See #1) It's a lost cause.
10. Noise. So much stinking noise. (See #4)
And THE question...Is it fall yet?!

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