Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Bit More Of My Real

I’ve heard from a few of you that your houses are too messy to showcase on the blog…these pictures are for you! :) I walked into my daughter’s room yesterday and was just so fed up with the mess! She’s 5 and can’t seem to find the hamper, the toy bin, the closet or anything in between…everything gets dumped right where she is when she’s done with it, and it is so frustrating. So being the awesome mom that I am, I told her I was cleaning out half of her clothes and toys…great idea in theory, but here’s the mess this process created. Her entire closet on my bed and bedroom floor, which my youngest spent the whole day undoing. All of the laundry baskets sorted with specific purposes are now a big heap on the floor because they were needed elsewhere (my son’s Pirate Ship!)...isn’t it fun!? 

So there you have it, a bit more of my real!! Check back next week for our first installment of “Glamour Shots”…and be sure to share the fun with your friends! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited!!

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